Field trips can be as simple as a nature-based walk in the park or as complex as a space museum visit with concepts of engineering, science, technology and math’s woven in. Either way, field trips are proven to offer a respite from the everyday routine of school life and have shown to be a great way of energizing students to participate in activities that extend beyond the school campus.

The challenge’s
While the upsides of field trips outweigh the flipside, there are some downsides that can be effectively managed, once the school administration is sensitized to the same. Among the most common problems associated with field trips, teachers and school faculty agree that the challenges of managing student’s gadget-led interruptions are the most cumbersome of problems.

Additionally, striking a balance between the ‘seriously interested’ students and the ones for who field trip’s represented ‘socializing breaks’ can be niggling issues to handle in ground reality.

Furthermore, rather than being caught up in the learning opportunity within reach, field trips may be fraught with spending limitations, absence of sufficient support staff, and trouble in supervising students in open spaces.

Besides, aligning students’ enthusiasm to focus on what they’re seeing and connecting positive learning outcomes with nervous dispositional kids are potential snags that can cause worry to teachers and school administration.

However, the setting of ground rules, requesting back-up and making water-tight arrangements could moderate the drawbacks of field trips considerably.

Pique their curiosity 

Field trips give numerous instructive advantages to students aside from which they offer valuable educational opportunities that are outside of their school atmosphere.

As such, science museums, amusement parks and guided nature walks, visits to regional governance/ public organizations such as public works departments, town planning & city support offices, local businesses, and fire/ police station visits are common field trip locations. Field trips to these kinds of places provide alternate educational opportunities for children, besides which they may also benefit the local community.

As children move outside their comfort zone, they learn about different careers, thought concepts and facts of the world. Field trips have been known to spark new interests and passions, awaken children’s desire to try new things and pursue dreams in unconventional vocations. Besides this, field trips also provide opportunities for children to use their minds & bodies in work that is productive and service-oriented.

Teaching empathy and going past self-gratification

In what is possibly the most humbling aspect of field trips, teachers and school faculty agree that empathy, tolerance, volunteering and a feeling of wanting to do more for the environment and humanity are the most positive benefits of structured field trips. Likewise, kids experience what it is to help the less-empowered people in their local community.

In a world that is increasingly focused on self-gratification, these ‘humane’ aspects of field trips can serve as great ‘grounding boards’ for children and young adults who are eventually going to inherit the earth.

 Better academic accomplishment and self-motivated action

 Field excursions can bring about noteworthy accomplishment in all subjects including nature, science, technology, and maths. By observing a genuine application of the concepts that they are learning in school, youngsters are bound to comprehend and value the significance of a good education.

In case you’re an educator that fights to keep students engaged in the classroom now and then, field trips to space/ science museums, nature parks, and historical monument excursions can make for highly interactive learning sessions. 

Strengthening the concepts taught in class and enabling the children to animatedly ‘live’ the times of past, field excursions offer a chance for students to imagine, experience, understand and examine the data even after the outing is over and done with.

Laying the groundwork

As one of the most noteworthy CBSE schools in the nation, SSVM School of Excellence Coimbatore has set precedent in academic circles by encouraging eager learning integrated with regular field trip sessions.

As such, field trips at SSVM School of Excellence can range from simple walks in the park or as multifaceted as visits to planetariums and space museums with set learning outcomes for complex concepts of maths,technology, and science.

We believe that given the correct learning condition, a youngster is equipped for achieving considerably more than what conventional instruction offers. As such, SSVM School of Excellence is substantially more than a school – It is a superior learning experience tied in with tried & tested experiential practices accepted globally.




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