With regards to the early years of a child’s life, it’s been said that the initial five years are especially significant for brain development, with the first three years being the most critical when it comes to the child’s intellectual and mental engineering. As one of the Best School in Coimbatore, we’ve researched this subject in great detail.

Numerous studies and researches have suggested that the most pivotal achievements in an individual’s life can (and do) happen by the age of 7. And almost reinforcing this fact is the incomparable Greek rationalist Aristotle – He once stated, “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”*

 Quote credits- https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/709859-give-me-a-child-until-he-is-7-and-i

As parents yourself, do consider that we’re discussing this not as a means of stressing you out or causing you an influx of uneasiness, but instead attempting to explore these theories for the greater benefit of parents and children alike.

 So now, going by the previously mentioned hypotheses, the underscored question to consider is – Are the early years the most crucial years of a child’s life?

Below in this article, we analyze these hypotheses, take a look-

 Addressing the concerns of parents – Top-rated CBSE School in Coimbatore answers

As parents, you have to make certain that everything about the child’s nourishment, their propensities, their intellectual and mental development, and even moral conduct is on course directly from the earliest starting point of their life. 

Having said that, you realize the profound impact these early years have on the child’s social behaviour, knowledge-acquisition and non-cognitive capacities as well. 

Kids become familiar with the world around them during their initial years and their intellectual, emotional and mental propensities improve even more rapidly when they are given attention, protection, and loving consideration!

As a parent then, how best can you help your infant to ‘think carefully’ and concurrently raise an intelligent, mentally evolved being? 

Physical motion or physical activity is considered as one of the key parameters for advancing learning abilities in infants. Toddlers’ minds develop through physical development and therefore, encouraging the right kind of physical development from the soonest months is believed to have a positive impact on their neurological association propensities and intellectual development. 

As one of the most sought after Schools in Coimbatore (ranked among the Best CBSE Schools in Coimbatore), we at SSVMSE have found that initiated via a play-way method, mentally & physically stimulating exercises work to invigorate the infant’s social behaviour, knowledge-acquisition, and non-cognitive capabilities as well. 

Encouraging cognitive & non-cognitive development

Each child is unique and every parenting style is different, but it’s worth noting that given an option to develop in an environment where attention, protection, and loving consideration are as important as access to healthy nourishment and play are, the child achieves all-round development. 

Therefore, it is safe to say that the parent’s role and obligation is to take the necessary steps to guarantee that the youngster’s basic rights (as mentioned above) are specially protected. 

According to specialists, if a youngster is lovingly tended to by guardians who are well-adjusted, emotionally secure beings, the child will NATURALLY have the ability to create, foster and develop secure connections with others and have the inner strength to confront difficulties in his/her life.

Suffice to say it is very pivotal to give the right kind of emotional anchor, mental & physical stimulation and access to healthy nourishment in the child’s initial years as it is akin to making a guideline for a healthy, well-rounded, holistic life.

Parents, here’s what you can actively do – A Roadmap to maximizing the potential from educators of the Best School in Coimbatore

When Haim Ginott said ‘’Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression’’, he couldn’t have been truer! 

 Quote credits- https://www.quotes.net/quote/40429

 Likewise, when we mentioned earlier in the article that the early years are the most crucial years of a child’s life, we DIRECTLY implied that children’s minds are most responsive to picking up ‘information’ during the initial years of their lives than at any other point in time.

 This is to say that children’s brains are most adaptable in the initial five years of their life and as a parent, the more you engage, stimulate and work the various regions of their brain, the more enduring an effect it will have on their learning capacity in the later years.

And how do you ensure that you’re doing everything in your capacity to help children take full advantage of their abilities?

We believe the simplest method to do this is to effectively ‘’ draw in’’ the youngster’s innate interests as well as augment the learning propensity in their developmental years through varied exposures. 

Open your child’s minds to various mental exercises that assist in initiating synaptic associations and let them investigate their environment as it energizes imagination and fosters positive conduct. Tend to their curiosities (as they grow older, their questions will evolve and rational thinking abilities too will develop), as well as urge them to deliberate over and above the given information and raise further questions if they’re still curious about the subject. 

This will enable kids to create & accomplish objectives for him/herself, gain new information, adapt to new situations, and gain abilities in the process.

Before setting out on these exercises, do bear in mind that every youngster has their way of absorbing information. They grasp information in their own, individual way regardless of whether they’ve been given exposure to the same set of experiences in childhood.

In our role as one of the best CBSE School in Coimbatore, what this implies is that as parents or educators, we should utilize distinctive learning techniques and creative educational plans that build upon their unique way of absorbing knowledge.




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