In the tomorrow that’s yet to come, nothing is guaranteed. And while most of us are grappling with 21st Century issues, school-going children and the up-and-coming young adults of today are being primed to learn defense mechanisms for a future teeming with ominous challenges and uncertain probabilities.

While still in school, this age of children finds out about the world through the individuals they meet during their initial life. While the primary responsibility of imparting life’s lessons rests with the parents; the second most significant role for youngsters rests with educators and teachers.

Grooming them from the budding years

Instructors devote their life to teaching children and young adults how to examine and comprehend the world they are presently living in while equipping them with skills in the future that’s yet to unfold.

They have the enormous obligation to shape the ‘thinking processes’ of their students, to open their psyche, to set them up for dealing with the world.

And so, while ‘teaching’ is a crucial factor of progress in students’ lives, we often tend to forget that teachers are the medium, the potter’s wheel, so to speak, through which the clay gets shaped!

As a Teacher and an Enabler

 As an educator, the teacher assumes the role of an Enabler, in that; he/she can positively impact the fertile young minds of youngsters every year. While teachers enable children to build up their qualities and assist them in overcoming their shortcomings, teachers are the ‘lead by good example’ mentors in young lives.

Beyond this, educators enable children to realize their full potential, help them accomplish goals for themselves and gain knowledge on progressively complex ideas.

As their role models, children often seek their educator’s support for endorsement of their ideas and validations of their thoughts.

As influencers, teachers have the power to change the lives of their students and it wouldn’t be wrong to concur that a child’s self-advancement is intricately tied with that of the teacher. 

To arrive at the Summit, begin from the Base

 When young children are sent to schools, teachers are the ones to throw open the wide windows of the world. It is in classrooms, under the guidance of a teacher that little minds discover things they never knew about – Social morals and values, Geography, Languages, etc. Likewise for teachers, looking at the world through the lens of children can be an edifying encounter.

Other than this, every year with a classroom full of new students, a teacher’s role undergoes a rebirth. He/she teaches tolerance, imagination, critical thinking skills while building on the character the children will carry into adulthood.

A cross-pollination of ideas, concepts we underestimate as grown-ups are given unfettered wings to fly by enlightened teachers. The greatness children are capable of accomplishing and the ‘who’ and ‘what’’ is to come is expanded under the mentorship of an educator.

 And it is also in this way that teachers play a role in enabling children to reach the summit by beginning from the base.

 Ready is the head that wears the crown

As one of the trailblazer schools in the country, SSVM School of Excellence,Coimbatore has believed that empowered learning can only happen when teachers are given the right conditions. Accordingly, at One of the best CBSE Schools in coimbatore ,SSVM School of Excellence, we integrate multifaceted training facilities with development workshops and skills up-gradation so that our teachers and educators accomplish what other schools consider impossible.

In that capacity, SSVM School of Excellence is a learning experience that embodies the belief that ‘Children are not merely children, but world citizens of the future!’




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