Does your child spend too much time looking at their phone? Digital devices can be addicting, and according to psychiatrists, internet or computer addiction is relatively common among young people.

How to limit your child’s screen time

Thankfully, you can prevent your little one from becoming addicted to browsing the internet and playing games. It’s best to take these preventative steps as early as possible, especially before they start attending the top schools in Coimbatore:

  • Set realistic goals for your child

First things first — make sure you set boundaries and expectations regarding your little one’s screen time. However, you must also ensure that these goals are realistic.

For example, consider cutting your child’s screen time by little increments instead of completely removing computer access from their lives. According to paediatricians, here are the most acceptable amounts of screen time for kids:

  • No screen time for kids under two years old
  • One hour per day for kids two to 12
  • Two hours per day for teens and adults

  • Increase your child’s offline engagement

Kids can become addicted to the internet if they have nothing productive to do without it. Therefore, you must find creative ways to engage them at home, emphasising that you can have fun without looking at a screen.

For example, after they come home from CBSE-affiliated schools in Coimbatore, start a conversation with your kids instead of letting them go directly to their rooms.

You can also encourage them to participate in activities in the top schools in Coimbatore, such as sports, interest clubs, and inter-school competitions.

  • Keep digital devices away

Finally, when it’s time to put away the phone, make sure your child stops using it instantly. You can set dedicated screen-free hours at home, keeping digital devices in a safe place.

Enrolling your loved one in a CBSE-affiliated school in Coimbatore can also increase their offline engagement and encourage them to spend time with friends and family.



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