As human beings, we all have that sixth sense that guides us in one way or another in various spheres of life. Growing up, somehow our receptivity towards this intuitive side have slowly diminished. 

We often, find ourselves regretting some decisions that our intuition has clearly flagged a warning for. Yet, our mind somehow gave a go-signal. As adults, these encounters are common living in the information era. 

And it is only going to get worse for our kids and next generations if we do not take the necessary steps now. Yes, NOW!

CBSE Schools in Coimbatore are well-aware of this. Being, one of the most important cities in South India, change is something the city never gets tired of. That includes the city and all the Schools in Coimbatore too!

Taking Innocence Forward

Unlike animal-kind, a human infant is born fully functional. Even a fetus inside the mother’s womb is capable of listening, dreaming and responding to outer stimuli. 

So, imagine how powerful and strong intuition is for humans. Yet, we are fascinated at a deer’s ability to escape a lion without any warning. This intuition is an inbound character of all living beings. And it has paved the way to self-development. Right from biological functions to cognitive abilities.   

Let’s now think from a kid’s perspective. The only thing a kid knows is to play, eat, sleep, and repeat. For a kid, that’s all the world is about. And that is what is portrayed about a kid’s development too. 

But what is happening to the kid in terms of development is much more. The kid is typically exposed to more stimuli than in their mother’s womb and all the kid is trying to do is make sense of life. What works, how it works, what doesn’t work and why. 

Such innocence and curiosity drive kids to explore more, know more and experience more. This is Self-Development. One way or another. 

And this is what CBSE Schools in Coimbatore is trying to replicate. Trying to create a new concept, that helps kids to learn systematically, efficiently is like expecting our kids to do heart surgery or pilot a military plane. Instead, we aim at creating a platform where the natural development process takes place at a consistent and stable rate. 

By taking advantage of the self-development process that is innate in every human, we are taking the learning process to its next level. As kids want to see for himself and through his own senses, his aim of self-learning and development is now our aim. 

Activities That Shine Through You

Every child carries with him/her, and unseen potential. Raw. Untouched. That will make him/her the person he/she will become. 

In order for this to happen, they must have the freedom – a freedom that simply guides and directs them in their designed paths. This is achieved only through order, structure and discipline. 

The activities, curriculum and subjects in CBSE Schools in Coimbatore enables the kid to individually survive on his/her own. The kid will be able to learn more than what secondary teaching can impart. 

This type of self-developing educational system is what we at School of Excellence, topmost CBSE School in Coimbatore follow in our school regardless of class grades. We provide the individual child with a simulative environment designed to bring out his/her intelligence, physical, spiritual, emotional and psychological abilities. 

This simulative environment already possesses that ingredients that are needed for a child to develop his/her intelligence in their own speed. 

This is one of the reasons why most CBSE Schools in Coimbatore have switched to this kind of educational structure. It is a non-competitive environment that is going to make him/her enjoy and at the same focus on knowing more about the world. This friendly environment will give him an extra edge and a reasonable chance of success in life.


School or no school. Kids get to learn better. Know better. And be better. This way, kids are more intelligently equipped to absorb, retain and recall information at will. All on their own. Put in any kind of situation, kids will have no problem in handling what life throws at them. 

And all we at SSVMSE, topmost CBSE Schools in Coimbatore do is create this carefully crafted, safe, explorative space for kids. This system can be adapted and evolved according to the standards and academic needs. So, kids have an enjoyable time and become what they were meant to be.  



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